

USE THE FOREST to discover your best self!

Our team of Practitioners deliver projects and programmes that are designed to support people to feel well. Focusing on belonging, self esteem, social skills and healthy lifestyle choices we take pride in building a legacy of positive connection to self, others and the natural world.

Our projects are led by experienced Practitioners, often supported by volunteers and people completing work experience with us. We can adapt what we deliver to the needs of the group, or individuals we are working with and we aim to work with high staff ratios.

Projects and programmes delivered by Greenwood Growth are funded in full or in part by external bodies, or through funds raised through other activities (holiday clubs and parties).

If you think Greenwood Growth could support your group or you would like to become a volunteer you can email us at for more information.

Current projects include the following:


Families in the Forest

Families in the Forest illustration

With support from the The National Lottery Community Fund we are opening the woods across three Shires from May - December 2022 for people of all ages to come together for art, observation and crafting.

You might be a new parent, someone in later stages of life, a student, a busy mum and dad with kids or refugee - whatever your circumstances we hope you will find your family in the forest.

Follow #Greenwood3Shires for more information.


Stronger Roots


Greenwood Growth are associate providers to this fantastic project focused on regeneration and healing in Buxton’s community woods.

Stronger Roots

In the last year, many people have turned to Buxton’s ten community woodlands as places for respite and healing. The project will run until March 2022 and benefit both our woodlands and people.


Be You Crew


Be You Crew is a non-profit, voluntary led organisation serving the Staffordshire Moorlands providing a safe and supportive environment for young people with disabilities and additional needs.

We provide activity based events, trips and support for children and young people and their parents/carers and siblings.

Greenwood Growth provides monthly activities based in the forest for members of this SEND community and their families.

Find out when the next session is.